From Worry to Joy


Ruth King

From Worry to Joy
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From Worry to Joy
This artwork is based on Abraham Hicks's Emotional Guidance Scale. You can either visit their website or google it to learn more about how the scale works. Basically, it's a tool that, in most cases, helps one to climb up out of some lower emotion to feeling much better. The scale is a list of our emotions from the feel goods, incrementally, down to the feel bads. To begin you figure out where you are on the scale then make a statement that expresses that emotion. I usually write mine down. Next, look at the emotion above the one you expressed and do the same - make a statement that expresses that emotion. In this way, one by one, you can incrementally climb the emotional scale to feeling much better. I've only had this not be helpful when my hormones were running the show : ) This artwork is a generic version of climbing from worry to joy. It's more general than what you will probably come up with doing one for yourself. But hopefully, some worriers will find this scale climbing helps them to feel a little better. Similar pieces without the words can be found in my Abstracts Gallery.